Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Beginnings of a Lego Room

 We are just a few short weeks from moving into our new house! Each of the kids will have their own room for the first time ever. To make this occasion extra special for them I let them choose the theme of their new rooms and have started to design them now so the rooms will be ready for move in. I want the kids to be as settled as possible especially since we will be moving the week after school starts.

Jake chose a Lego Movie theme for his room. Ever since he saw The Lego Movie this spring every thing has been about Legos and Emmet. Again I got a lucky break, The Lego Movie is also popular right now.

For a nightlight I choose a green light up LED Lego brick. Green is Jake's favorite color. I bought it on Ebay as it seems to be discontinued.

Getting sheets was easy! I bought these from Target.

Jake will be keeping the amazing Ikea Kura loft bed but it will be getting a makeover. The trains have since been removed from the bed but I have an idea for what to do to it next to Lego-ize and Jake-ize it. Currently it looks like this:

Kyle and Jake share a room right now. Kyle is in the top bunk and Jake is in the bottom. See the Lego Emmet Clock Jake got for his birthday on the bottom? It will be perfect for his new Lego Movie room!

PS: Kyle's name is on the short side of the bunk! I didn't forget about him when I added the names to the bunk bed all those years ago. ;-)

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